Somewhat Active
United Citizens Alarm is a quasi-militia group whose members showed up to “police” events and protests in Utah. It was founded in 2020 by Casey Robertson after shots were fired at a driver, injuring the man, during a Black Lives Matter protest in Provo, Utah. Though the organization is now largely defunct after it tried creating a formal membership structure, Its widely-followed social media channels and chat groups are still used by members to share far-right, anti-immigrant, and anti-LGBTQ messaging.
United Citizens Alarm has a stated mission of creating “redundant communication systems” so that “patriotic citizens” can “be responsive to any infringements on constitutional rights, social unrest, disaster, crisis, or emergency.” In practice, the group was formed to provide armed vigilante “security” that patrolled protests in Utah to support police presence and deter “violent protestors…from looting and pillaging.” United Citizens Alarm “helped organize and provide security for the WeCANAct Liberty Conference … that hosted speakers promoting election fraud conspiracy theories, including talking points from QAnon.”
United Citizens Alarm
The organization still occasionally posts on its social media channels, in addition to selling tactical equipment and access to trauma response and handgun training courses on its website. Chat groups associated with the group are still active, with members generally sharing far-right, anti-government, anti-immigrant, and anti-LGBTQ memes and messaging. That being said, the United Citizens Alarm Facebook group was shut down by Facebook only seven weeks after the group’s founding during a purge of profiles of militia organizations.
Utah Connections
Based in Utah and occasionally show up to protests.