Conspiracy Propagandist, Anti - Government
Utah Patriots is a group that spreads and promotes conspiracy theories. The group was formed in 2020 by Kish North as a militia group “to provide ‘security’ for events by showing up to protests armed.” While the group’s website seems to endorse anti-government messaging and conspiracies, the main function of the group now seems to be promoting far-right messaging online and occasionally hosting events for far-right causes.
While it doesn’t seem to be a major focus of the group, Utah Patriots does include a very particular brand of anti-government messaging and beliefs on its website. Calling itself the “Duchesne Safety Committee,” the group purports to pattern itself after the “Committees of Correspondence,” and later “Committees of Safety,” that were formed as shadow governments during the American Revolutionary War. They believe the government is an “abomination,” and have come together as “sovereign individuals” that “operate under common law” to “self-govern from the county level.”
Utah Patriots
The group also shares anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, and other far-right messaging, conspiracy theories, and propaganda through its social media platforms.
Utah Connections
Based in Utah