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Conspiracy Propagandist


We ARE The People is an organization formed by Jason Preston out of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has basically become a far-right conservative news podcast focused on Utah politics, spreading far-right conspiracies, anti-immigrant rhetoric, and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. Recently, Preston seems to be aiming to create the organization into a network of shows with different hosts focused on different topics, from culture war issues to education and everything in between.


The breadth of conspiracy theories propagated and spread by We ARE The People on its podcast run from the takeover of Utah’s sovereignty by the United Nations through the building of fifteen-minute cities to Marxism infiltrating the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The show seems to consistently warn of a group of shadowy “elites,” or “deep state,” who are corrupting our state and local governments at the expense of the people.

In particular, the show has pushed an anti-immigrant sentiment in Utah through its podcast episodes, the “news” it writes on its website, and on its social media channels. The show has also promoted anti-LGBTQ sentiment during its episodes, at one point even entitling an episode as “Why The LGBTQ Movement Must Be Stopped.” The show was also one of the conservative voices pushing a false narrative that so-called “furries” were taking over Utah schools, which led to protests and walkouts in school.

We Are the People


The organization uses podcasts and internet streaming to spread its ideology and conspiracies to followers. Recently, the We ARE The People podcast has aimed to become a network of shows with different hosts focused on different topics, which include:

One Nation Under God, hosted by Pastors Matt & Lauren Tuggle

Truth in Education, hosted by Natalie Cline & Monica Wilbur

Utah Power Players, hosted by Tom Hasleton

We ARE the People, hosted by Jason & Alexia Preston

Culture Wars, hosted by Trey Valdez

The Mike Glover Show, aka Prepared Utah, hosted by Mike Glover

Utah Connections

Jason and his wife Alexia Preston both live in Utah. Jason Preston ran for Congress in 2022, during which he “hired several members of the far-right Proud Boys militia and consultant Roger Stone to run his unsuccessful campaign.” He later made news when he confronted Governor Spencer Cox at the 2023 State Utah Republican Party Organizing Convention, asking the Governor to appear on the We ARE The People podcast, specifically asking about so-called “smart cities.”

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